from sketch to 3D
Bringing a sketch into 3D is one of the more difficult challenges. Knowing what works and how surfaces are build and work helps a lot. Project “Surfacing” is there to show what’s possible and what I’m able to do. On the one hand side, my ideas and sketches are realistic enough that they are already possible to sculpt in 3D. on the other hand side this is a way to show my 3D skills. In this case I choose a headtube are of a road bike as this is one of the most, if not the most challenging surface area of any bicycle. It is the joint of the headtube, downtube and toptube, as well as the fork. Besides the sculpted surfaces, there’s also some tech to work with. Like the headset bearings, fork and turning clearance and the integrated stem. In the end, being an aerodynamic road bike, it has to contain the state-of-the art aero-profiles as well. Bringing all these points together and getting a high class (no A-Class) finish is the challenge. The visualisations of the final model show the quality.